ಅರ್ಜುನ್ ಮಹಿಷಿ

Rewriting my existing neovim config in lua

2021-11-055 min read

I've been wanting to rewrite my neovim config in Lua for a really long time. I didn't really know why. Just wanted to do it. Lua has a more sane and intuitive syntax compared to vimscript. So, it ends up being easier to maintain, refactor and extend. Plus, I think the entire neovim community is moving forward in this direction. I am hearing good things about vimscript in vim9, but maybe that will be an opportunity for another such blog post.

This blog post is for you if you are thinking to move to lua but didn't know where to start or haven't thought about moving to lua yet or even if you just enjoy the occasional vim-related content.

Do you need to be a lua expert?

Absolutely not, even after rewriting my entire config in lua, I still don't know even the most basic things like iterating over a list, creating a class (if classes are even there), etc. If you know basic programming and have gone through someone else's code before, you are good to go.

Some basic lua to help get started

Here are some of the things you will encounter

Function syntax

function func_name(arg1)
  return "epic things"

func_name 'arg1 value' -- like ruby

Array syntax

arr1 = { 1, 2, 3 }
arr2 = { 'a', 'b', 'c' }

Map syntax (called tables in lua)

tb1 = { key1 = 'val1', key2 = 'val2' }

Syntax to run vim script (required as not everything is supported yet in lua)

-- inline
vim.cmd = "echo 'hello world'"

-- multi-line
vim.cmd [[
  echo 'hello world'
  echo 'can't think of a better example'

-- NOTE: multi-line strings in lua are defined with 
-- double square brackets `[[]]`

Deep dive

Structure of the config file

The lua config is kept in a file called init.lua in the ~/.config/nvim directory (just like init.vim)

So far, I've kept the entire config in one file. This is mainly to make it more sharable. All you have to do to use my config is, copy-paste the entire file and run vim +PlugInstall. But this is not necessary. You can choose to organize it in separate files. In VimConf 2021, there was a speaker who maintained a separate file for configuring each plugin.

My config is divided into several blocks:

  1. Plugins -- declare all the plugins with vim-plug
  2. Basic vim settings -- these are the basic editor settings like enabling relative numbering, disabling highlighting, etc
  3. Custom key mapping -- this is my favorite section, where all the remaps live
  4. The remaining blocks are dedicated to individual plugin config
Basic settings

I have a bunch of settings that enable/disable vim features, set stuff, etc. Translating these to lua is very easy. Lua exposes each setting as a member of the vim.opt. So, setting the relative numbering would be vim.opt.relativenumber = true.

More examples


set relativenumber
set number
set incsearch
set colorcolumn=121
set mouse=a

the lua equalent

vim.opt.relativenumber = true
vim.opt.number = true
vim.opt.incsearch = true
vim.opt.colorcolumn = '121'
vim.opt.mouse = 'a'

Similarly translated all the settings

Some things like syntax enable and colorscheme onedark were not available. So, I had to use inline vim script

vim.cmd 'syntax enable'
vim.cmd 'colorscheme onedark'
Custom key mapping

Like the settings, key mappings are also pretty easy. Lua provides the function vim.api.nvim_set_keymap to set custom key mapping. This function takes the mode, key, commands, etc as arguments.

-- global variables are modified like this
vim.g.mapleader = ' '

-- assign the function to a variable called map (cleaner)
local map = vim.api.nvim_set_keymap
-- define a table with noremap as true, which can be used for some of the mappings
local noremap = { noremap = true }

map('n', 'vv', ':vsplit<CR> l', {})
map('n', 'tt', ':tabnew<CR>', {})

map('n', '<leader>h', '<c-w>h', noremap)
map('n', '<leader>j', '<c-w>j', noremap)
map('n', '<leader>k', '<c-w>k', noremap)
map('n', '<leader>l', '<c-w>l', noremap)

The 'n' you see as the first arguement stands for normal mode. You can also have 'i' (insert), 'v' (visual) and 't' (terminal)

autocmd is still not supported in lua. So, they need to be defined in vimscript

vim.cmd [[
  au filetype json nmap <leader>f :%!jq '.' %<CR>
  au filetype hcl nmap <leader>f :%!hclfmt %<CR>

(FYI: I've written a blog post that explains the above commands)

Configuring plugins

Most of my plugin config involved setting global values and key mappings. As mentioned earlier, vim global values are set in lua using vim.g.<var name>

vim config

let g:go_highlight_fields = 1
let g:go_highlight_functions = 1
let g:go_highlight_function_calls = 1
let g:go_highlight_operators = 1
let g:go_fmt_command = "goimports"

lua equalent

vim.g.go_highlight_fields = 1
vim.g.go_highlight_functions = 1
vim.g.go_highlight_function_calls = 1
vim.g.go_highlight_operators = 1
vim.g.go_fmt_command = "goimports"

If the config is complicated for any plugin, just dump it in vim.cmd [[]] :P

If the plugin was written in lua, it will usually have a setup function that you can call. Example:

require'nvim-treesitter.configs'.setup {
  ensure_installed = "maintained",
  highlight = {
    enable = true,
    additional_vim_regex_highlighting = false,

That's it!

Wasn't very complecated was it?

You can also have a hybrid config -- using both vimscript and lua. All you have to do is, create a new file to keep your vimscript in and import it in the init.lua file. I had done this for my coc config (until I stopped using it)

vim.cmd 'runtime! coc-config.vim'

I am not entirely sure if doing this is worth your time. So don't do this in the middle of work or if you are busy with something more important. For me, this was triggered by boredom + the Diwali holidays. Hope this helps.

This is my final init.lua at the time of writing this post (the link is to a specific commit)