ಅರ್ಜುನ್ ಮಹಿಷಿ

Tapping into the system clipboard

2021-07-111 min read


vmap <leader>y "*y
nmap <leader>p "*p


Copying text to and from vim and the outside world is a pain in the ass. This is because vim's default register where it stores text copied with y is scoped only to that perticular vim session.


Add this to your vimrc/init.vim:

vmap <leader>y "*y
nmap <leader>p "*p

This is basically mapping <leader> + y to run the "*y command. The " tells vim which register to use, * is the register that is shared with the system clipboard and y is the action (copy). Same goes for pasting.

That's it!
Happy plagiarism :P